
20 March, 2013

Okay I'm writing this at midnight, but let's pretend that it is still day 20th.
So basically now I'm going to talk about something we all have:


Oh yes, goals. There are 3 lifestyles that I the have ambition to achieve, and I hope to achieve:


Suceful Musician,
Those guys who live self-sufficient in the middle of nature.

First, youtuber:
I would like to be like smosh, or PewdiePieeeeee. Every week I would do a video, receive 2 tons of mail from fans per week, and being known, loved and almost worshiped. Heeeell Yeah. If I was a youtuber I would do some series about a crazy dude and his imaginary friend. The series were going to be filmed, but the imaginary friend was a flash animation. I still don't know how to do this, but make the video, convert to Fla., And animate on it shouldn't be very hard, I think ...
I just need a good camera. And perhaps animate better. And perhaps not being a lazy ass. (Frustrating, isn't it? Being so lazy that even though knowing that if I worked hard I could achieve my dreams, and even knowing that, I get the "ass" pasted on the couch)

Second, Musician Success:
Get to know the world in concerts, earning a lot of money for doing what you love?
Hmm, I think it's good. Now, I don't know what kind of band I would like to be on, rock, jazz, funk, acid jazz, indie ...
It all depends. Maybe not rock star, to try out all possible drugs to end murdered or commit suicide is not my thing. In the other hand a jazz band should not earn as much, I think.
Difficulties? Dunno, not everyone has the gift. But as for training, I have been well. But for the training I'm having, I still play a crap.

Third, Those guys who bla bla bla.
Oh, yes. Leave all the stress behind, and live peacefully in the forest, or in a small village.
That if I didn't die of a disease with the nearest hospital in 10 km, or being devoured by who knows what, or die from hunger ...
But I think with all the preparation, it's worth it. It has a lot of "cons", but to me, it has even more "pros".
But, unlike most, I liked living there with someone. I dunno, a girl (with a dude I would end up gay), because I don't think i could live being that alone.

And you? What crazy plans do you have for the future? Are they that hold your ambition, daily inspiration and hopes for the future? ~ Because it's totally not my case! ~
COMMENT! Share.! Keep this blog alive before I get sad!

You do not want me sad, right?



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