
April 11, 2013

Hi, folks.
Today I went to"school of my life", a school event with prizes for competitors of various modalities, and entertainment with dance, music, and various choreographies.

Eh eh. Nothing to tell.
Except they had a guy dressed almost like me. Same shirt, opened, a white T-shirt, and a pair of jeans and a voluminous hair.

We spent about 3 hours to glance at each other, and comment with our friends "that guy like me. "

It was hilarious.

I was thinking how cool it was to play saxophone. Did you ever wonder what was to not walk around with a  guitar, but with a saxophone? then sit on a stool and play a few little songs. It would be so epic. But sooo epic.
I love saxophone. It is portable, no need of electricity, and I love the sound.
I was supposed to play the saxophone, but besides being very expensive, probably would be difficult to find a teacher, and should be difficult to learn on the net. And since my father had a bass, it was easier to get started.
Sax FTW!

Ohh, I love Sax.
Sax feels so good.
I would love to have Sax.
To train Sax.
Doing it everyday.

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