
November 22, 2013


I thought this blog had died !

 But no! I came to continue the blog ! (will I ? )

Twists and turns , people. In all this time , as my blog didn't serve for any pourpouse, so I dropped it .
But it's always interesting to have a sort of log to be able to re-read later .

However , much has happened in this time. I met people who I would never think would have opportunity of knowing . I had crushes that I shouldn't had , and continue to evolve in every way . I participated in "8 e meio". I started listening to Boards of Canada , Bonobo , Quantic , Luisine , Kaori Kobayashi , and quite a few other things , I learned , thought , evolved.

Basically, everything that I thought that had changed, being social, being understood, was illusory in it's own way . I have not changed . I will always be an introverted individual who will focus on his ability and own thoughts. Yes , I met people , interesting people , but not people like me , ever. I feel that I realized that the person who I was, and who felt that emptyness, will always be me .

There is no one like me, except one person .

I never saw her again .


June 17, 2013


So people.
Every time I think and talk more about the human connection with nature, I just meet more people who understand me! I am no longer alone in the world! I feel that in the future I expect something big. I'll start a revolution and the put the world where it should be. Dreams on a large scale, but who knows.

But beyond that, it is good to know that there are people in this world who understands me, in tastes, ideas, styles. I knew one day this would happen. But unfortunately, this group of people is scattered around the world ... I appreciate that on the Internet, which for people who feel different from everyone, it's great to find someone who understands them.

Topic 2:

Before any foregone conclusion, I'm not depressed or anything. It's just an adolescent phase (I think) when I try to understand myself and the world around me, looking in all the corners of my mind an explanation for who I am and why I like this and that, or why the world is what I see it is. But our mind likes to curl up on itself between the various parts of the brain ... We see the world with emotions, questions, logic. And the question at hand is whether if  the world is confusing, or it's just the way we see it.
Maybe that's the purpose of art, to look for ways to explain the world, and that art is tells us that we do not understand the Answer.

Why understand then? Why not just content ourselves living in a world with interest in its intrigue and mystery? Simply live without asking ourselves about everything, and just take a more "animal" perspective of it all. The world is such a beautiful and perfect place, I just want to live in it's perfect balance, then in it transpires once again my dear idea of ​​living peacefully connected with this beauty.

The human totally lost the connection with the most important of all, the connection with the world.


June 16, 2013

I'm back!

and holidays STARTED!

It is so perfect that bright moment in the second when the teacher says: "ok, you can leave early." And every step we take towards the exit is glorified by its proximity of the freedom from school for 3 months.

I certainly hope that the projects start getting out of my head to come to the material world, now that I have time. And I hope to join the "8 e meio" (eight and a half) contest, that's a animation and film contest.

However, interesting things to say;

Some Portuguese Pastafarian around?
Well, I created a group on facebook called "Comunidade Pastafariana de Portugal" for all believers of the true religion, and for all those who hope to meet in the fantastic heaven with beer volcanoes and stripper machines.

and now, time for philosophy!

Today's theme: After death.

At first, I always wanted that after death something extraordinary happened, turn into a spirit wandering the earth, reincarnate maybe in another dimension, or simply live inside my mind without a body where I build my own reality.

But after a while I realized that I really hope that I do not live forever, whatever consciousness. Have you ever wondered what being forced to live? never be able to stop life? As we go through, we live the worse tortures imaginable during imaginable periods of time repeatedly, because at some point we will have to end like this ... And even then we will never be able to rest. think and visualize what is infinity ... Life will never, but never but never end. One day we're gonna be bored of being alive. But we can't do nothing, and simply will continue to live forever as well. Longer. and longer. Simply never going to stop.
Living forever is the worst torture you can have.

So on one hand I hope as well that I just disappear when I die.


May 23, 2013

So it seems that suddenly there is a rise of views on my blog eh?
And comments!
So after all the little trick of "threat of destruction" after all works, eheh.
 Good. Well, therefore, the blog continues! And now, I must thank all those who read the blog, it's great to know that my blog is not a complete fail. And I promise not to be a little bitch from about to the amount of views on my blog for now on.

In news, I'm at home, so FUCK YEAH! I got 16.9/20 on my drawing test! FUCK YEAH! I'm sick at home! . . . not going to School! FUCK YEAH!

                      --------------------- (off topic) ------------------------ ------

I Continue to develop a style to make my comics. And if I get a scanner I'll make it a webcomic.
                     -------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Today's topic will be, ok, a topic ... hmm ... it's usually easier ...
Oh and how about this: Should I add a "vlog" to my blog posts? By the way, for those who do not know what a vlog is, "vlog" is a "faggy" term means to say video-blog, so a recorded blog, with my face saying some uninteresting crap about myself with low quality sound and video, and stupid jokes.
But of course, I'll try to focus on things that you can discuss and talk about, and I do not just talk about crap that happened to me.
I'll make a poll so you can vote there beside ----->

I'm also out of ideas for what to talk about in the next post, so you can comment with any ideas to discuss, and I will speak of it in the next post.

And now, bye, because I have to hurry and go to school to have a philosophy test.
(not even sick can I escape this huh?)


Who cares.

UPDATE: (attention, I will after all not end the blog, because as long as there is at least 1 person who reads this, it will continue.)

Well, that's it. Nobody reads this. I am beginning to suspect that the views of my blog are merely people who ended up here here by coincidence.

Since it is not worth talking to the walls, it is better to end the blog.

Of course, if someone is really interested in continuing to read my blog, then tell me, because I will not be humilliate myself writing for no one.

It's a shame. I like to see what people think of my ideas, stories, designs, and even jokes, but maybe it's time for me to accept that I am not no popular enough to have followers, and maybe I'm being a bit atention whore by creating a blog. We must admit that we all have a little atention whore within us. Just some are more notable than others.

Maybe I should take this as a life lesson, something that the generation of today must learn:
decentralize yourself of your ego, forget who you are because in this world no one cares who you are, but what you do.

Everyone thinks they're different, that they're special, even me. And this capitalist world tries to make it look like that with beautiful phrases. The facebook, twitter, blogs, any social network gives you the opportunity to show the world who you are. But nobody wants to know. No one wants to hear about your "stylish timeline" or your very inspiring phrase, because these things for many likes and comments they have, people do not want to know, just give likes for the same reason, for people to think that you liked it because you're a cool person.

Now that I think about it, social networks are only useful for to you to show things to a mirror disguised as other people.

In the end, I think then I will continue to try to fight my ego and become less centralized. It's harder than it looks. It is not easy when you think you have a lot of cool qualities you liked to share with the world and just not show them. It's human nature to want to show how cool I am. But when the world ignores you, it is better to accept the facts.

What annoys me is that there are a lot of people with little interest that has so much more "spotlight". Why not me? I have bad luck? Is it the problem of "not going to like his stuff because I do not know him well?" I talk about things they do not understand? Do I just like different things from the majority? Does the reason for my Ego is the need to have someone to like me, so I like myself? Or rather, I do not like anyone so my ability to like channels to myself? Well, not true, I have friends who I like ... So what is it? Why do I feel ignored?

You know what.
I'm sick of repressing things. Whenever I don't have what I want I try to learn to live without it, but I am always unsuccessful.

"Never no chick like me" I do not need chicks.
"Nobody listens to me" I listen to myself.
"I did not take the grade I wanted to" Grades do not define me.
"I can not find a band I really like" I create music I like.
"I can not find a chick who understands me nor I like" I just need myself.

And if anyone actually read this, do not think I'm depressed or anything. It's probably a stupid teenager phase, and use this blog as a psychologist. I'm so gifted that I even serve as a psychologist for myself :P (kidding ok?)

May 12, 2013

Oh right, I have a blog.

Yes, I know, I have written very little, but no one visits my blog, so I'm not worried. So thank you for reading this. The blog allows me to see how many people visited it, and this week has been about 3 per day, unless there's someone in "incognito mode".

How is that so many people have followers in their boring blogs? I'm not saying that my blog is not boring, but at least some followers ...

Nobody makes comments ...

Few visits ...

Why do I have it then?

Anyway, the news is, I'm home! my beautiful perfect home that I didn't went for about, almost a year? After living in temporary houses it's so good to be back.

Oh yes, and Lara and Sasha are home too, my dear pets. The lara is our bitch (hehe), and sasha our cat. But they hardly seem to recognize us, or even the house ... I was waiting for a reception like in the movies in which they ran towards us at sunset, but they didn't.

Well, said the news, and said what I think, it's what is normal in my posts, so that's all for today.
Have a nice day.


May 1, 2013

"Hello once again, audience."

Nothing better to enjoy this beautiful holiday to stay home sick with a gastroenteritis, or whatnot.

Okay, that's it, I do not feel like doing anything.

I spent the day in bed watching videos on youtube.


April 29, 2013

"How are you, fellow readers!"

eh, I'm really running out of entries.

I have some ideas for a comic, but this idea is a bit more serious than the others, so I need a different drawing style, perhaps more or less style "Corto Maltese".

The main base is a revolution worldwide. The revolution is more or less my idea of human going bak to their origins, but the reader can choose which side he wants, the revolutionaries or the civilized. Also, as in all the revolutions, some will be more radical than others, so, there are good civilized (I believe that humanity  can manage to evolve for the better) and good revolutionaries (our goal is to keep peace) and the bad, who want genocide of the opponent, and lose their argument.

The idea of revolutionaries remain about the "balancing", the Ying and Yang, the values ​​of nature, life and death are part of the cycle of the world, animals are as much as us.

Probably the interests of BD will be mstly about the distortion of the revolution in the course of time, that no one wants the same as before, and as human nature is the same this chaos.

by the way, does anyone remember this guy?

Well, apparently the creator of "Earthworm Jim", Doug TenNapel, has a lot of other awesome creations and BDs. A Webcomic he is developing called "Nnewts" is brilliant, the drawing style is fantastic. And attention, he doesn't do childish things, quite the contrary, he is on of those who loves killing characters without any problem.


Ratfist (BD):

Nnewts: (carry on "first" because it starts on the last page)

Have a good reading.


April 25, 2013

Welcome to my blog, please, come in.
You can sit wherever you want. Would you like some tea? ...

Ah. A holiday came just handy. Pity that Friday is the most exhausting day in terms of time ...
is almost like being in a marathon, then stop a bit, and then sprint to the end.

Oh well. Today is April 25, what about talking a little bit 'bout why we are in holiday?
How about no?

Continuing ...
Every day that passes I can only think of one thing, that my theory of living in nature. Increasing everyday pulls me, something in me is trying to tell me something, my instinct, I think. Just know that when I look around, something is very wrong, really wrong. Does the problem lies elsewhere? Maybe something is wrong with me. But no, the world is, something tells me to stop it ...  Protests about hunger problems, war, etc I've never seen anyone say something good about society compared to what people say nowadays.
But ever since the human is criticized heavily for their problems, wars, and for thousands of years it is trying to find a solution.
I can not eat my lunch, knowing that half the world is hungry. I do not deserve, I'm not more than others! I did nothing to get my lunch, and there are those who struggle to get a bread! How can I live rested, if I know it will stay that way forever?
I can not live with luxuries.
I want to live away from it, rested, I want to live with what I believe to be right, the supposed. What I believe that brings real peace of soul, which I believe it is to live, because the rest is not living. What we have now is an artificial life, fueled fantasy created by our mind, movies, images, music, books, stories. And so we do not have to leave home. But this causes a conflict with me, as if something was simply wrong. I want to live my stories, I want to see my landscapes, I want to eat the food i gather, feel the cold, the heat, the wind. Feed my soul, and not live EASY pleasures.

"But it's dangerous!" Yes, it is very dangerous, but to me, life hasn't so much value. I do not know what to expect next? may even be better. Furthermore, we do not have to run from death at all costs. We do not have to live up to being so old we end up being bored of life and wanting to die. We should enjoy life, and I do not say live it as much we can, but while we live it, we must like it.

Society today does not make sense. It seeks the impossible luxury for everyone. But there are many impossible obstacles that prevent us. The problem is that we look for something that is out of the plane of reality, we seek a dream. Man always seeks the dream, the perfect. But when this is impossible, we must accept it, not live in this transient state of disorder that is not so transitory.


April 22, 2013

Hello everyone, and sorry for the delay!

So, well, I'm on a hard week full of work. But the reason why I have not written much is because I have been watching "Avatar: the legend of Aang" and, well, I have not been with a lot to say. But well, I'm going by threads saying things that have happened:

-my brother has a Wah Wah pedal, and I've been using as well :D
-I am full of work to do for the drawing lesson;
I'm thinking about advancing with some of my comic book projects;
-I started music lessons, I've said it already;
-I continue with the ambition to be Youtuber;
-I ended"Avatar", and now I'm depressed about how life is so boring;
-I'm still playing "Lost Vikings" and it's becoming truly frustrating.

Now, to the next topic I will talk about all my projects, all the ideas I've ever had. I've always had ideas to do that or tha-
Damnit, forget. "it's time to go to bed."
When I live alone ...

bye. Argh.


April 16, 2013

Yes, I know, I'm writing this on the morning of 17. But at least I do the post, right?
I went back to play a game from my childhood that I forgot to mention in the post about my childhood, "Lost Vikings".

This game is funny as hell.

Well, anyway, I think it is time to return to the animation. Is it? I'll try. If anyone has an idea of ​​what I  should animate, then comment.

Here's an example:

I know, I have noticed some errors, and you can say that it seems a broccoli if you want, but also I just did it in 15 minutes. Yes, the problem is that the animation takes time and hard work.

I'll have my first music lesson probably the Thursday, so it will be awesome. We'll play together, the whole band has classes together. Finally! Music lessons! I will learn more than learning alone!

And today it was a post about a lots of things! have a nice day and goodbye.


April 13, 2013

So folks! Today I will make all gamers begin to hate me.
Because I'll tell you something terrible.

Digimon is better than Pokemon.

Yes, and I'll tell you why!

First, obviously, while Pokemon is to hunt wild creatures, cage them, enslave them, and only release them to fight each other until one becomes unconscious, Digimon consists of people who befriends creatures, and they only fight when they are in danger.

In Digimon the story is set in a different world, with an interesting history, while Pokemon is just a guy who wants to be the best professional "cockfighter" in the world, and manage to get in his possession a sample of all the creatures in the world, leaving them trapped inside a small ball.

In addition, for your very awe, I think the Digimons are a lot cooler than pokemons.

Oh really??



Pokemons are "cutie cutie". Digimons are Badass.
I still remember when in Digimon 3 a guy was playing "Digimon" on the computer, it was a game like pokemon. When his Digimon jumped out of the computer, the dude lamented to him and asked him a thousand sorries for making him fight other digimons for his enjoyment, after all, he thought it was a game.

So that's my opinion.
Come on, this time, any guy who likes pokemon will have to comment.


April 11, 2013

Hi, folks.
Today I went to"school of my life", a school event with prizes for competitors of various modalities, and entertainment with dance, music, and various choreographies.

Eh eh. Nothing to tell.
Except they had a guy dressed almost like me. Same shirt, opened, a white T-shirt, and a pair of jeans and a voluminous hair.

We spent about 3 hours to glance at each other, and comment with our friends "that guy like me. "

It was hilarious.

I was thinking how cool it was to play saxophone. Did you ever wonder what was to not walk around with a  guitar, but with a saxophone? then sit on a stool and play a few little songs. It would be so epic. But sooo epic.
I love saxophone. It is portable, no need of electricity, and I love the sound.
I was supposed to play the saxophone, but besides being very expensive, probably would be difficult to find a teacher, and should be difficult to learn on the net. And since my father had a bass, it was easier to get started.
Sax FTW!

Ohh, I love Sax.
Sax feels so good.
I would love to have Sax.
To train Sax.
Doing it everyday.


April 8, 2013

And here's one more jazz fusion artist for me to stay in "Musical Nirvana"


Well, it's been cool. I have learned more and more about these types of music. I wish I met someone my age who enjoyed these things too, but in Póvoa it's not easy ...

Not sure why, but every time I feel more and more like I'm getting closer to the times when I was a kid ... Those times of dream ...

April 7, 2013

Paredes de Coura Paredes de Coura, lalalalala!
I will go to the festival Paredes de Coura with Diego, lalalala!
My parents letted me, lalalalalala!


(imagine the text above with the least gay intonation possible, please)
(Thank you.)

The my brother's birthday party was quite fun. We went to Porto (or Oporto, like the rest of the world calls it), and did quite a lot stuff.
The best part was to make our friend Barbara enter in stores the nerdiest possible.
It smelled like nerds. We went to a "retro" game store, and some were collectives. That glutted with games for Ps1, gamecube, NES, Nintendo 64, as much as the consoles.

Of course we also did other things. We went to two music clubs, a jazz and rock, which were both closed. Then we went to a store of comics and mangas.
Scott Pilgrims with color *. *

We went to Oporto's  stylish "like a sir" McDonalds ,

To Via Catarina,

A few music stores, one with a  awesome lefty's bass,

and walked like hell.

At night, we went for a walk, went to a bar, and then played a few games on a game machine.

It was cool.

And end.


April 6, 2013

oh right, I'm still not youtuber.

interesting stuff, usernames ...
Each person has a different username. Each person has a way to create a username. Let's see, types of usernames:

1 - A username simple, fast, and easily identifiable.
eg. Daviddd12, JohnSX
Usually used for people who do not care about having a interesting username, but one that can indentify him.

2 - A unimaginative username.
 eg killer121, lololol3, PWN1111
Obviously this person does care for his username, and simply wants to have an account to use whatever it's use.

3 - A personal username.
eg Skrillexfan1, Mariobros23, Skitleslover2
This person needs a name quickly, and then uses some something hr likes to show his tastes, giving the others an idea of him.

4 - A stage name / nickname.
eg Korati, Jackmad, Cranimad, Pewdiepie
Typically, this type of usernames is invented at the time by a sudden inspiration, he was already a nickname of the person, or takes days to come up with something interesting. Always depends on how important the person thinks the username is.

5 - something random and funny.
eg BananaSpliter, DunkPunk, Tirocueca.
 Tirocueca( underpantshot) is of my authorship, heheheh. I invented it when I wanted to play a FPS (first person shooter)
interestingly, I was a professional shooting in the crotch. And I was a sniper.
But yes, yes, this kind of usernames are also invented usually when you want to be funny, or simply has no more ideas.

What's your type of username? Is it included in my list? You can always comment.

In my case, the username I have started using is Cranimad. That, yes, took a long time to come up with. I wanted a name that had things that included my personality, things I like, style, sounded good, and it was relatively simple. After a long time I ended up with the conclusion of Cranimad:

Crânio (Skull in portuguese - I like skeletons, skull involves brain = mind)
Anima (soul in Latin)
mad (herp derp)

Cranima would be interesting too, but it was used on various websites, and besides I wanted to keep my name unique, and I do not like having to use Cranimad21 or Cr4nimad.

In addition, I wanted a username that could be used as a stage name, so if I can succeed in internet someday. After all, ever heard of that youtuber, killer32?

Well, actually there are plenty of youtubers with simple names, Boogie12312345 (dunno how many numbers)
but still wanted something a little bit more "professional".

What do think of Cranimad? I think it took me about a year to get to this name.

Here some usernames that I've used:

Mega Man Io (completely random, my first username on Club Penguin. I didn't even knew who was mega man)

Romotit (the game was called Roblox, and I wanted a name that had "Ro" then I ended up with Ro(random).)

Guilhermus Magnus (my dad used to use AlexisMagnus, so I thought it was funny )

Arkano (arcane, a word that I liked a lot, so, you know, this.)

Cranimad (come on, this will be the one.)

Ah yes! Interesting thing. When I wanted to create a username, I tried to put togheter cool words like, Punk, or draw, or doodle.
I ended up with a funny conclusion:

DaftPunk. then I  looked on the net to see if it existed.
 I did not know DaftPunk at the time, and I was intrigued as all the conclusions I reached already existed.
If they did not exist, I probably would be called DaftPunk.


April 1, 2014

And guess what today is?

April 1st! yay!

And tomorrow?

The birthday of Rodrigo! yay!
What a crap!

well, that's it.
It is. I have to go to bed early, so this is my post.


31 March, 2013

I'm upset.

I did not know that simply by having friends, or go out, my brother and my best friend Hugo were going to start excluding me slowly. Being always used to be only 3, these two started first by making stupid jokes about "being social," okay, but over time they began to take precipitated conclusions that I didn't have time or I don't want to be with them. They spend the afternoon playing League of Legends without asking me if I want to play.

I do not know if they notice it themselves.

Before, Hugo and I were slightly closer than Rodrigo, but it was because of our age. With time Rodrigo adapted to our way of being, and now, well.
They're all with the "having honor in not being social" thing, and I'm not included in that.

If they want to be, then fine. And that whenever someone moves away slightly from Hugo, he continues to think that person does not care about him anymore. He'll have many friends.

Maybe I'm just a bit annoyed.
But I don't like that my best friend ignores me as if we were no longer best friends just because I have more friends besides him.

(there, have your gossip.)

Amumu - Character from league of legends.


30 March, 2013

Nothing happens, which means:

Discuss some ideas! yay!

Ohhh, no, unfortunately today will not be able to gossip in my very interesting and full of adventure and drama life.

Theeeme of the day:


Racism. How to combat it? Completely ignore what we see! Example:

Idiot n.1: "Remember Laura?"

Idiot n.2: "Errr ... Who was it?"

N.1 Idiot "Tall, blue eyes, blond."

Idiot n.2 "Ah, yes, that girl hot as shit."

What is the harm in that? None. (except for the "shit")
And now:

Idiot n.1: "Did you know yesterday I did a girl, Stacey."

Idiot n.2: "ah, I can not remember who she is ..."

Idiot n.1 "It was that black chick."

Idiot n.2 "Hey, don't be racist."

Eh? What the hell is this "idiot n.2"'re talking about?! It is a physical characteristic! Yes, she is black chick! Her skin is darker than that of whites, and probably is from another culture. As a person with blue eyes has   different eyes than people with brown eyes.

Let's see another case:

Fool n.1 "Stacey is pretty hot. Don't you think?"

Fool n.2 "Eh .. black chicks are not my style."

Fool n.1 "Hey! didn't knew you were racist!"

Shut up, "n.1 fool." Think always in relation between "blue eyes" and "dark skin" when they are in these cases. To me, it's the same thing.

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to make a few jokes! It's like the blonde jokes, everyone knows that when it comes to blonde, it's just an easy way to say "hot girl with a very rich dad snob", and, depending on the black jokes, also only mean those "thug life "ate yo mama" gangsta" even though everyone that blacks are just like whites.

Never heard of discrimination from other characteristics besides race, and I think the problem is that we are a bit in the situation where after all the problems with racism, society is still a bit too cautious to not be racist, kinda like two friends to each other "hey man, sorry, no hard feelings, k?" as if there was still tension between the two.

But the worst is that society is still very much used to being that way of anti-racist, that blacks are also used to being treated as if it was the non-racist way. So, much like the "idiot n.2" and "fool n.1" think that way of being is racist, even if it isn't, a black may also find it racist, and feel discriminated. In the end, the blame is no one's. It's just the simple evolution of things, many were accustomed to that's the way of being not racist, even if not, just as many were accustomed that blacks are evil, and should be slaughtered. What ends up saying that people pay more attention to how they were raised than their own logic, or maybe our logic is influenced by the way we were raised. Uh oh, here I go on another long logical thinking ... And that's how my mind works.

" It's all folks! "


28 March, 2013

Hey, hello people! (I'm really running out of new entries.)

Bad news. Looks like we will not go home this holiday.
I miss having a cozy house, my house. Without being in a mini T1, or a half furnished apartment or live with my uncles.

But well.

I do not know what to say in this post ... I write because I must write ...

Random Subject Time I suppose.

It is so strange sometimes even when having more friends, I feel alone. It seems I'm missing something ... And I can say that they are true friends.
I'll convince myself that I need no one to live. And yesterday I came to a conclusion. I say I do not need anyone to live, because I learned to live with myself, but maybe I'm like that because I never had a lot of people to share life with ...
Maybe it's about the thing about I never having much of a chance "with the ladies." Damn hormones, trying to mess with my mind.

And I think I'll try to do my art in a less egocentric way,I may have more success.

So bye, all for today.

  - To keep up the fun, comment! -


27 March, 2013

So folks.

Looks like the last post has no comments yet ... Which is a shame because I put the damn comments in a way that even a guy that ended up in my blog by accident can comment.

But hey - no stress bros.

Today I have a theme, that for me at least, is quite interesting. I'll make a reflection of my evolution as a person, personality and style.

(1 Giant Leap - Braided Hair)

"I have to tell everybody about myself." I was a little kid when it all started (of course) That kid's imagination that everything that travels in our head is true. Everything we see, feel, hear and end up by thinking and imaginating becomes truth. Basically, everything is so beautiful, fantastic, and perfect, fully forged by our head, which itself is shaped by everything that we take from the world.
As a child, I listened to what my father putted on the sound system during the morning of Saturday, "1 Giant Leap" and now I see how that made me like those things that touch us deep, that feeling that more environment and "Atmospheric" music, that makes us feel that"Nirvana"(not the band).
Sure I heard more things, but always in that quite jazz fusion, and that now, every time I analyze my life,  I discover so much about myself. It's quite enlightening.

Much more that influenced me as a child? Probably Peter Pan. Ha, but not like you think. Peter Pan in my head was much more than a tale, it was a world, a perfect, completely fantastic, ethereal world. A world full of nature, creatures, and cultural diversity, where you could FLY. Flying is practically the symbol of freedom. Ahhh, Freedom, with a very big L, the most important thing for me. In the end it was something far more serious than I see when I look at the Peter Pan now. It was my version of it, or at least what my head full of imagination took from him at the time.

Another thing you will see also as a simple game, but I saw as versions of the world, fantastic places - as a child, the real and the unreal is indistinguishable, and this brings much happiness - these games were:

- Oddworld Series;

- Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf;

- Rayman;

- Crusader of Centy;

Oddworld, a world of aliens with terrifying creatures, but also full of spirit misticity, no doubt a game full of art, with a character extremely well made, "Abe", which has powers to control other creatures through a sort of meditation. Most of the things that influenced me a lot in the field of strange worlds.

Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf, haha, a game about Ralph, a cousin of Coyote from Looney Tunes. Many think that Ralph is Coyote, but no. Ralph is a wolf, and he steals sheep from Sam, instead of chasing "beep beep".

But the most interesting thing, is that unlike the style of Looney Tunes, this game makes Ralph as a cool character, full of ideas, original, and in some way the game does not look as childish as the Looney Tunes.
The game is filled with a "soundtrack" with a fusion jazz / rock / funk, that makes a game much more stylish than the Looney Tunes, and so greatly influenced my musical taste. Listen here some soundtrack. (If you are reading this Cacciari, so it was just to say that this was the music I was listening to in your house and you said that was cool XD)

Rayman, that yes, very influential. Its style completely portrayed a world very "Nirvana", fantastic, and along with his music also that way described, gave quite a "high" mood to the kid I was. For those looking for this game, of all Rayman games, it's the first that was released.
Interestingly, the other Rayman games are nothing like that. And this, Michel Ansel, creator of Rayman, agrees. In fact, very recently, a new game Rayman "Rayman Origins" was released, which is quite in the style of the 1st game, but unfortunately with a soundtrack rather weaker (and Michel laments that, saying that he could not persuade the 1st game's composer to join to the project).
Obviously, once I found it, I bought the game and already finished. Quite cool, but it's not like when I was a child.

Crusader of Centy, this was probably one of the most beautiful stories I've ever seen in a game, and touched me like no other at the time, and even today. It changes the vision of a person when playing classic RPGs.
I will not spoil.

Well, I have not even played these games as a kid, I watched my dad play, and annoyed him to play, so it was like a movie, but told like a book, because every day he played about an hour, and it was like a chapter, and practically, were the games that shaped my childhood. And that's why I love games, and  why I like things in a more artistic way, and that blow my mind.

"It's just a game".

Oh yes, and after seeing so many different worlds, I reached a conclusion:
Our world is also fantastic, beautiful, mysterious, ethereal, perfect, and in a certain way, something in me makes me feel wrong not to be in complete natural state, and will only find peace when I'm in complete touch with it.

This is the lesson that my life has given me, and which I give you.

Now comment on this or the other previous post, Please.


26 March, 2013

Hey! Sorry to have made so few posts, but I always try to make them at the end of the day, so I can, well,  talk about my day. But it seems that it is interfering with my routine, so I have done just a few posts:

End dinner, play League of Legends, ends late, little time to do the post.
And do not tell me to change my LoL hour.

Well, I have to go to bed now, so I'll make this post with a simple purpose:


C'mon! Everyone comment!

Theme of the day: My a bit theoretical idea of the previous post. Let's see if it works ... I have not had many comments ...
So I'll start by asking, whether they agree or disagree, and why.
Hopefully you have good grades at Philosophy.

Be the first! (or see if they already have comments.)


24 March, 2013

Get ready, this one is strong.
I'll show you my dream, what I wanted humanity to evolve.
(Listen to this while reading, and with headphones.)

No corruption, no pollution, no crime, no war. Simple communities, hunt, looking for food, plants, nobody works. children play, young people sing, dance, love.
Little stress. You don't have to work tomorrow, just walk around the mountains, with the purest air that people today have ever seen. the scenery is beautiful. At night, Wveryone celebrates with a campfire. Playing some songs, watch those starry skies that you maybe saw once.
Time is spent with this. No reason to be at war or fighting, it's all so simple.

There are no rules. fust follow the basic moral, ethic.
Here productivity is to create, invent, tools, instruments, hunting weapons.

 Invent stories, myths, mysteries. It's like we're all kids again.
Just idolize nature. We have no sin, we are not destroying the land, we are not in a war, man does not kill, does not hate, because there is no reason to. Only love.
The human you know is no longer a parasite of the planet.

Look at you now. What you are today. What we have yet to do for tomorrow, that school work on the war of the 100 years, horrible thing, created by man. Or that inspection you will do tomorrow to that factory, to make sure that they are not completely destroying the environment.
So many hundreds die every day. CRIME. WAR. TORTURE.

But that does not happen, because we all live in small communities, peacefully, without problems.

Go camping. Look at the mountains. The starry sky.
If you do not agree that this idea is better than what we are today, then ok.
But do not complain abour what we are today. Neither of which will be tomorrow, because I do not see anything better to do.

And worse, as you are reading this on the Internet it means that you are part of the small percentage of people who have minimally comfortable lifes.

If we all wanted it, it had already happened. Cause. It. Is. So. Simple.

And if you do not want to ruin the "mood", do not read what is below:





The world is like windows. We evolved the functional windows XP, to the cute and malfunctional Windows Vista.


22 March, 2013

Ah. Today I'm happy.

And the theme of the day is:

The shock and change.

It seems like I hit a second puberty. Before, I felt I was the only different person in the world. I felt alone, like no one understood me. The only one who liked music other than pop, The one who played an instrument, the only one who didn't want to party and gossip; The only one that dedicated himself to something. Obviously that's not common for a kid 12/13 years old to be like.

"Brazil is full of different people, multi-cultural, and I would easily find people like me!" I thought.
I can not say I was completely wrong, because I met only a few people, but even so, people are not as different as I thought. The more"hipster" style I was looking for is a bit more common in Europe, Portugal is only one exception -. -

But in the end, when I returned, that's when everything changed in me. Since I met my class, especially Diego, finally after so long, I'm myself, it seems that my inner eventually freed himself and became exterior, so deep down, I turned inside out.
I speak about music, play together, compare drawings, share the graphical diary with the class. And after all this time, I again let my hair grow. Sarcastically, my hair always conveys my current state: It started to look bad and disheveled when I was in the old class, which forced me to keep it short, ( hide myself). Now, is long and crazy like me.
Furthermore, it is the first time that I became somewhat social. I know people, I go out often, and actually yesterday we went out with a guitarist that Cacciari met.

This are the kind of surprises that make me think that it is impossible to predict life. Let me give some examples of things I never thought would happen:

I wanted to play an instrument. 1 month later I started playing bass. 1 year later I joined a band.

We never imagined that we were actually emigrating to Brazil. It's those things that arise and then are ignored. Much less that we would come back in under one year.

I never thought I would even find people with whom I could relate to me. Maybe in Brazil? No, the opposite. When I got back, wich was something that I did not count.

Who knew I'd have better grades when I get halfway through the 10th year than all the rest of the years?

Multimedia Course? And suddenly prefered the arts course?

I envied the friends of my father. I said that such people did not exist beyond them.

I wonder what the future will bring now? I've found some time ago that to me everything is quite unpredictable.
 Incidentally, this is the goal of my blog, explaining these crazy scenes that happen to me.


20 March, 2013

Okay I'm writing this at midnight, but let's pretend that it is still day 20th.
So basically now I'm going to talk about something we all have:


Oh yes, goals. There are 3 lifestyles that I the have ambition to achieve, and I hope to achieve:


Suceful Musician,
Those guys who live self-sufficient in the middle of nature.

First, youtuber:
I would like to be like smosh, or PewdiePieeeeee. Every week I would do a video, receive 2 tons of mail from fans per week, and being known, loved and almost worshiped. Heeeell Yeah. If I was a youtuber I would do some series about a crazy dude and his imaginary friend. The series were going to be filmed, but the imaginary friend was a flash animation. I still don't know how to do this, but make the video, convert to Fla., And animate on it shouldn't be very hard, I think ...
I just need a good camera. And perhaps animate better. And perhaps not being a lazy ass. (Frustrating, isn't it? Being so lazy that even though knowing that if I worked hard I could achieve my dreams, and even knowing that, I get the "ass" pasted on the couch)

Second, Musician Success:
Get to know the world in concerts, earning a lot of money for doing what you love?
Hmm, I think it's good. Now, I don't know what kind of band I would like to be on, rock, jazz, funk, acid jazz, indie ...
It all depends. Maybe not rock star, to try out all possible drugs to end murdered or commit suicide is not my thing. In the other hand a jazz band should not earn as much, I think.
Difficulties? Dunno, not everyone has the gift. But as for training, I have been well. But for the training I'm having, I still play a crap.

Third, Those guys who bla bla bla.
Oh, yes. Leave all the stress behind, and live peacefully in the forest, or in a small village.
That if I didn't die of a disease with the nearest hospital in 10 km, or being devoured by who knows what, or die from hunger ...
But I think with all the preparation, it's worth it. It has a lot of "cons", but to me, it has even more "pros".
But, unlike most, I liked living there with someone. I dunno, a girl (with a dude I would end up gay), because I don't think i could live being that alone.

And you? What crazy plans do you have for the future? Are they that hold your ambition, daily inspiration and hopes for the future? ~ Because it's totally not my case! ~
COMMENT! Share.! Keep this blog alive before I get sad!

You do not want me sad, right?




18 March, 2013

Ohh hi there, everyone!
Since I have nothing to tell today, I'll dedicate it to enlight your souls and open them to the touch of the one's holy noodle.

Dafuq am I talking about, you ask,

I'm talking about the only God that actually exists, the Flying Spaghetty Monster.

No, I have not gone nuts. I think I'll explain it a little bit better:

There once was a school, Kansas school or something, that gave the students 2 options of study, Catholic, or Scientific. Basically, if you wanted to learn about the evolution theory, or Adam and Eve.
But one man, got frustrated about that. Why only give 2 options? There are a lot more religions that should be considered. With that, he wrote a letter to that school asking them to also give the option to learn about the only true God, Flying Spaghetty Monster (FSM). In the letter he explained how the world was created, etc, etc.

The religion is now official, and it has millions followers (pastafarians), including me. They have actual many solutions to today's problems. What about the global warming? I'll explain that. Was there any global warming 400 years ago? No, but where there PIRATES 400 years ago? Yes. Is there global warming today? Yes, but are there any pirates?? AHHH. Solution: Become a pirate! It's the new trend! FSM will support you, touching you with his holy noodliness. Besides, it's a lot more fun to awnser people that ask you what religion are you "Pastafarian" than "atheist", or "agnostic".

Here, have the dude's blog, and learn more. Have fun checking out the sightenings of FSM as the proof of his presence and also reading hate mail from very religious people.

(yeah, it's also very fun to pratice this kind of religious traditions.)


17 March, 2013

Hello, there. Today, I promise I'll do something more interesting than just tell what happened today.

I went to Diego's house to play a little bit. I invited Tânia, because she never saw me playing, and I wanted to show her.

As always, we played for 10 minutes and stoped. then he showed all his awesome stuff. We went for a walk in the fields, sand, and climbing rocks, my favorite thing to do. I would love to live in the middle of the nature completely natural, but I'll speak about it in another day.

The point is, While they were together sitted on the sand, and I was for little bit alone, it gave me time to just lay down and think. (nothing to do with them)
It has been some confusing time to me, and all of this new friends and opportunities were kind of a shock, and now that I'm a little more interested in girls, I've been a little more active about it. But I'm tired of trying to be nice to girls to get closer to them. When I get close to someone something allways stops me. So, I quit. I could live alone forever, I don't need anyone. Of course if someone comes to me, ok, I'll be nice. But I'm tired of doing this stuff.
So, basically, I'll just not give a fuck about anything.

This will give me a lot of peace.
(or maybe it will make me alone forever.)


16 March, 2013

Oh hi. So today is the first day of vacation, so, yay.
I spent it very well actually. wake up at 12:00, play bass, eat lunch, play bass t'ill 1:30. I allways play bass when I have nothing to do, so, if I continue like this I'll be the best bassist of the whole time in a month.

Well, I spent the rest of the day on my laptop refreshing 9gag (don't click the link if you want to have sucess in life), but I also created my deviantART account, and uploaded some pics.

Oh! Yes, I drawn myself (cause I love myself and I'm super egomaniac) and it went very well. I don't have a scanner, but here's one that went well too but made in paint.

And while I did all this, I was hearing to Instrumental tracks from Jamiroquai. That guy is the defenition of funky.

One last thing, I never know if my blog pageviews are just people that went to this blog by accident, or are actually followers or people that at least read something, so, please comment something, please! Even if it's just something like "JAMIROQUAI IS FOR GURLZ AND FAGS!" but just do it.
oh, and share my blog please. if you share it, i'll give you a cookie!


15 March, 2013

So, this is my life right now;

1. We're almost leaving our aunt's house to our house, we're just wating to the person we rented the house to to leave, probably during these vacations.

2. I'm having good grades, 14/20 mostly, which I think is good for someone that went to school in the middle of the year.

3. I decided I'm probably not going to quit the art course for the multimedia technical professional course, wich is a course that gives you some professional experience on the subject, but doesn't include some knowledge I need to know if I want to go to college.

4. I have this new friends, Diego, Eduardo (wich we like to call "Cacciari") Tania, and some others. Diego is a vocalist and guitarist in our band, Daydream. He is a cool guy, friendly, and very unique. Cacciari is a nice dude, metalhead, and likes things well done. Tania is a very nice person, and a good friend. My whole class is friendly, so we are a good group.

5. Today I officialy joined their band, after their last concert they did with their other bassist, that took place in school ( they built a stage on the last day of school of this period) which unfortunely didn't go very well because of some tecnical problems, and the sound mixers were stupid (voice too loud, guitars too low )

6. Holydays. OOHH YEAH.

7. Been playing League of Legends with Hugo and sometimes with Cacciari. I still play really bad.

8. Now, on my mind:
I've been thinking on how much I need a girlfriend. I really want to find someone which I can relate to, someone nice, someone I can talk seriously to, show my deep me (even though I also want someone that I can laugh and hang out with). Let's stay with someone in that I can have this kind of conversations with I'm having on this blog. The problem is I'm kind of an idiot and I rarely talk to girls besides some "chit chat". I just really get out of conversation subject. This is the kind of problems that being little social for so much time does. Besides, I never really dated anyone. I think until something happens I'll try to convince myself that I'm the kind of man that can be happily alone. (nice strategy, this one, wait to something to happen.)

9. I also think I should be more crazy and expressive. Inspired by Diego, I think I should be a little more spontaneous and less "mouth shut".


14 March, 2013

Midnight. I was wondering in my mind and got to the conclusion that I should really create a blog for everything I want to share. Expecially, 'cause i'm a bit crazy; actually, my life's a bit crazy.

I mean, do you know a guy that has a crazy hair, is willing to be a  artist/multimedia artist, plays bass in a band, is living in his aunt's house with his brother and mom while his dad is living in Brazil because he had a bad experience while he was living as a imigrate (in Brazil) and now his dad has to stay until he finishes his job project so he can come back, AND has nerd friends, crazy friends, and bro like best friends?

And there's more! Sadness, hapiness, drama, adventure, and exclusive art, iiiiiiiiin "A Diary A Bit Crazy"!!!

I Hope I can make this blog a little interesting. There's lot to tell. I think I'll start with a little review of my whole life:

Since i was a kid, I was extremely polite. Sometimes, I was paranoid with doing the right thing, I used to try to obey every single time I did something wrong it was a shock and I got a lot sad and scared.
When I was 1 year old, I met my best friends: Hugo, and Barbara. Their parents were friends with mine, so we met very early in life.
When I was 2 and a half, I met my brother, Rodrigo. We're since that day, best bros for ever.
As a kid in elementary school, I was very social. Since I was a friendly kid, everyone simply liked me.
When I reached 5th grade, I wasn't so social like that. Kids wanted to be cool, and I wanted to be myself. I had some friends, but it wasn't enough.
I grew, and grew. One day I found my vocation, animation and game developing. I was playing this very pop flash game, "The Fancy Pants Adventures" (follow his blog! and I got inspired in giving life to simple doodles. My dad got me Macromedia Flash 6, and I created lots of animations, that got lost on our old computer.
My friends, Hugo and Barbara, grew to be completely opposites: Barbara grew to be a normal social person with many friends, while Hugo didn't care much to that and turned in a "otaku".
With me, things staied the same. I wasn't very social in the class, since they grew to be boring people with nothing but a social state to keep, while I totally ignored them and tried to be myself, although and I didn't like to show how different I was, fearing to be judged.

And Then,

Everything happened. My life turned upside down, and then up, and down, and left-and-right-anddiagonalandthenitrolloverandfellandthen now.
The chance to go to Brazil sudently came. Since our dad is Brazillian, we had family there. we thought it was a thing we wouldn't actually do, but we did.
I created a blog, Emigration Experience, that explained how it was. The hardest thing was to say goodbye to Barbara and Hugo.
My mom (that had been depressed) didn't handle the shock of imigration, and got mental problems. We came back to Portugal as fast as we could so she wouldn't lose sanity, but my dad staied to pay the bills, but at least now we are almost putting things back on.
But something else happened. The "so closed" Guilherme Festas went to his art course in the middle of the year. Who he was introduced to? People that didn't had fear to express themselves. I met people like me, people that were more than just douches who care for being pops. I met a guy that had a band. and in these easter vacation, I officialy join the band. I play bass for a year, almost two..
The story now is the classic. "Guy not used to socialize starts to hang out", "Guy not used to socialize starts meeting girls but doesn't know how to get them, gets sad, and tries not to give a fuck".

I'll try to talk about things like that. But I may probably make posts about my ideas for the world, and projects I'm thinking in.

Sorry for the long post,

Guilherme Festas